Horse-Man-Ship Mentality - The Bucking Horse
Greetings Friend,
People often ask me "What should I do when a horse bucks, or won't move, or when it has my leg pressed up against a wall or tree?"
The "What should I do" in those incidents can go on and on. The fact is once you get to that point of "What should I do" you are too late to do anything about it.
That type of question is like a pilot wanting to know "where the eject button or parachute cord is", instead of learning how to feel the plane and navigate through to keep it from crashing.
At which point the eject button is not necessary.
Mindful Riding,
Dennis Cappel
Master Horseman

Events coming up:
Horse-man-ship ranch style clinic
October 13-15th, 2023
Barefoot Trim
November 18th, 2023
I think you should work on all the ground work and riding exercises that Dennis suggests and ride in the moment so you start feeling when your horse is upset enough to buck. If you work on ground work and the riding exercises, you should have a relationship with you horse so that he doesn't feel the need to rub you against a tree...that's a lack of respect issue, I think what Dennis is saying is learn to fly the plane so you avoid trouble or at least know it's coming and can do an evasive maneuver.
For those of us still learning it would be great to have an answer to the questions and not just a “ tisk tisk” reply
I agree with this but would still like an answer to the questions.